Senator Amara Konneh

The Signing of the Farmington Declaration for a Peaceful Election

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The Signing of the Farmington Declaration for a Peaceful Election

My fellow Gbarpolu citizens. Today, I proudly signed the Farmington Declaration as the only Independent Candidate in the senate race in Gbarpolu County. This declaration signifies my commitment to fostering a peaceful and violence-free election process in our beloved Gbarpolu County.

The Farmington Declaration is a collective effort by candidates from various political affiliations to ensure that our electoral process remains free from violence and intimidation. By signing this declaration, I pledge to uphold the principles of democracy, respect the rights of all citizens, and promote a fair and transparent election.

I urge all residents of Gbarpolu County to join me in upholding the values of peace, unity, and democracy. Let us ensure that our electoral process remains free from violence, intimidation, and any form of electoral malpractice. Together, we can set a positive example for the rest of the county and demonstrate our commitment to a peaceful election.

Thank you for your continued support and trust. Together, let us make Gbarpolu County a shining example of a peaceful and democratic electoral process.


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