Senator Amara Konneh

Senator Amara Engages Yale Students on African Innovation and Partnership with Liberia

Yesterday, I addressed Yale students at the opening of the school’s annual Africa Innovation Symposium in New Haven, Connecticut. I am also teaching two sessions of an Economic Transformation Innovation Lab to undergraduate students majoring in Global Affairs and Economics at Yale, a one-time commitment I made immediately after the presidential election runoff. Our case […]

Revamping Liberia’s Electricity Corporation: A Call for Efficiency and Accountability

LEC Financial Picture LEC has 18 bank accounts with the following total end-of-November balances: Total LRD account balance LR$93.2m Total USD account Balance is US$9.764m Of the total USD account balance, only US$728,000 is the balance in project accounts. Debt obligations: CI-Energies/ CLSG electricity = US$13m Regulatory Levy = US$537,544 Total GoL appropriation for LEC […]

Senator Amara M. Konneh’s Advocacy for Senate Reform: Reflections on the First Month

Update: Reflections on my first month as a Senator Former Pro Tempore Albert Chie facilitated a smooth transition, perhaps one of the best exercises of political leadership in the entire transition. Our leader, President Pro Tempore Nyomblee Karnga-Lawrence is off to a good start, respectful of colleagues, and shows promising signs of being a consensus […]

Urgent Call for Action: Revitalizing Liberia’s Energy Sector to Drive Economic Growth

While going through the Roberts International Airport yesterday, there was no electricity. All the flight systems and air conditioning units were down. The terminal was so hot that passengers and airport employees were fanning themselves with whatever was in their hands. This is unacceptable! Eighteen years ago, our country had zero megawatts of grid power […]

Building Bridges: Strengthening Healthcare in Liberia with Operation Smile

Dr. Gaurav Deshpande, Associate VP of Operation Smile Global and my classmate at MIT Sloan School of Management, had this to say about Ops Smile’s recent work in Liberia. The Liberian people are grateful. I look forward to facilitating a sustained partnership between Operation Smile and Libetia’s health sector under the leadership of our new […]