Senator Amara Konneh

Statement on the Senate Public Accounts, Expenditures, and Audits Committee’s Analysis of the FY 2024 Mid-Year Budget Performance Report

On September 1, 2024, the Senate Public Accounts, Expenditures, and Audits Committee released its analysis of the Budget Performance Report for the first half of Fiscal Year 2024. The report highlights critical concerns in revenue collection, budget allocations, and expenditures that could significantly impact the Liberian economy and the government’s ARREST agenda for inclusive development. […]

Senator Amara Konneh, Chairman of the Senate Public Accounts Committee (PAC), addresses recent false allegations that the Auditor General’s findings from the compliance audit of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) covering the period January 2018 to December 2023

Office of Senator Amara Mohammed KonnehPress StatementFor Immediate ReleaseResponse to Allegations Regarding USD 110.8 Million IMF Funds Monrovia, Liberia – August 1, 2024:As Chairman of the Senate Public Accounts Committee, it behooves me to address recent falseallegations that the Auditor General’s findings from the compliance audit of the Central Bank ofLiberia (CBL) covering the period […]

Leading the Charge: Workshop on Public Corruption Analysis Enhances Media Capacity in Liberia

Earlier today, I had the opportunity to lead a workshop focusing on the analysis of public corruption within the national budget as part of the Liberia Media Empowerment Project, generously supported by the European Union. Throughout the session, we emphasized the importance of increasing public awareness regarding public financial management and reducing official secrecy associated […]

Senate Alerted on CBL Guarantees: Urgent Call for Investigation into Financial Stability and Accountability

Yesterday, we communicated with the Senate regarding the CBL’s issuance of guarantees on non-performing loans, advances, deposits, and lawsuits assumed by Sapelle International Bank Liberia Limited (SIBLL) and Bloom Bank during their purchase transactions. It’s important to note that these guarantees have partially been honored by the CBL. The issuance of carte blanch guarantees by […]

Western Region Legislative Caucus to Address Concession Compliance, Boundary Disputes, and Development Plan in Upcoming Meeting

After its inaugural meeting in Tubmanburg on March 23, 2024, the Western Region Legislative Caucus (WRLC) sought pro-bono assistance from the bar associations of Bomi, Cape Mount, and Gbarpolu counties to conduct a comprehensive legal review of all concession agreements and Mineral Development Agreements (MDAs) between the Government of Liberia (GoL) and mining companies operating […]