Senator Amara Konneh

Sen. Amara Konneh’s 90-Day Update: Progress, Initiatives, and Commitments

Sen. Amara Konneh’s 90-Day Update: Progress, Initiatives, and Commitments

Today marks 90 days (three months) since I entered the Liberian Senate. As we begin a new quarter, I would like to update you on our accomplishments in the last month:

  1. Received President Boakai’s National Budget proposals and analyzed them with the support of Public Financial Management professionals and experts. Identified variances in the Revenue numbers due to Executive Order No. 128 – Suspension of surcharge on Petroleum Pricing Structure – issued by President Boakai on Monday, March 18, 2024, the revenue leakages in the forestry, agriculture, mining, and telecom sectors, and the low dividend contributions by the State-owned Enterprises compared to their three-year average revenues. Also discovered scope for more efficiency in expenditure reallocations to meet or surpass the inclusive economic growth targets for the country with emphasis on local (counties) economic development. I see potential if we execute 80 percent of the recommendations we have proffered.
  2. Signed the War and Economic Crimes Resolution. This resolution aims to bring overdue justice to victims of serious abuses committed during Liberia’s protracted civil wars. By signing this resolution, we have demonstrated our commitment to justice, accountability, and reconciliation in Liberia. The resolution is likely to have a positive impact on the country’s efforts to address the legacy of conflict and promote peace and stability through transitional justice. The ball is now in the President’s Court. We must do the WECCC and do it right!
  3. Introduced the Presidential Transition Act of 2024. This critical legislation, co-sponsored by 11 Alliance and Coalition Senators, aims to ensure a smooth and transparent transition of power in Liberia. Currently with the Judiciary Committee for review before passage and sent to the House for concurrence.
  4. Pre-financed the Gbarpolu Legislative Caucus’ response to the recent storms that ravaged more than 100 homes in Weasua Town, Gbarma District, Gbarpolu County, providing much-needed relief to affected households. My office has been active also in investigating protests at the Bio-Chico mining concession and the Emirates Hospital, showing our dedication to addressing issues affecting local communities.
  5. Played a key role in forming the Western Region Legislative Caucus, which will focus on addressing regional issues and promoting development in Western Liberia. My colleagues selected me as the secretary of the Caucus during the inaugural retreat in Tubmanburg, Bomi, highlighting our ability to organize and facilitate development conversations. The Secretariat is finalizing a draft Western Region Three-Year Development Plan. If approved and implemented well, we could see a new approach to development in Liberia.
  6. Successful engagements with development partners to secure funding for the integrity institutions and the Senate Public Accounts Committee, demonstrating our commitment to strengthening Liberia’s good governance and accountability mechanisms.
  7. Submitted to the Senate Plenary the findings in a GAC audit on the Consolidated Account of potential violations of the Constitution, PFM Law, and CBL Act by MFDP and CBL when they contracted the $83 million loan to finance fiscal operations in the situation, and recommendations to hold a public hearing by the PAC, highlighting commitment to financial transparency and accountability. Debate is expected this week.
  8. Sent requests to MFDP and LRA, on behalf of the Senate PAC, to disclose to the PAC all GOL operations and revenue accounts and their balances respectfully, before the budget passage, to assist in budget execution tracking, further demonstrating the PAC’s commitment to financial transparency. The deadline expired on Friday; will follow up tomorrow.
  9. Together with Senator Dopoh of Rivergee County, requested performance reports on all loan agreements ratified by the 54th Legislature from the MFDP, to assist the Senate in understanding their impacts on citizens and the economy before ratifying new loans. Been in the Ways and Means Committee Room for over a month now. Will keep pushing!
  10. Wrote two letters to the Pro Temp and Plenary: 1) Letter 1 calls for an immediate investigation into sand mining in Liberian waters by Chinese and their Liberian partners that is causing environmental degradation and the mineral status of the black sands that were recently circulated on social media; and 2) Letter 2, co-signed by Senator Abraham Darius Dillon, calls for the President to take the following actions in the NASSCORP new SUV vehicle purchase saga: a) reprimand NASSCORP’s Director General for purchasing 5 Land Cruiser SUVs at $117,000 each on instructions from the Minister of State and Chief of Staff to the President at a time when he served as a Senior Advisor to the President-Elect and a constitutional government existed, and outside of the PPCC and PFM Acts; b) instruct the Minister of Finance to reimburse NASSCORP the full costs of the vehicles from the Ministry of State’s budget.; and c) ask for the Minister of State’s resignation. It is wrong to use pensioners’ money to fund government operations.
  11. I shared my expertise on Official Development Assistance – bilateral and multilateral – to Liberia, 1960 to 2023, Liberia’s long-term history of volatility and growth and their implications for development, and finally brainstormed the challenges and opportunities for Liberia’s post-election recovery as a guest lecturer at Cuttington University’s Graduate School Of Global Affairs and Policy. These crucial topics for the foundation of government that works in the interest of citizens.
  12. I also joined Internews in Liberia, MICAT Liberia, the European Union in Liberia, and others to launch the Liberia Media Empowerment Project. Though not a government action, this project is very important for democracy and governance.
  13. Launched our office’s website: (, emphasizing our commitment to inclusive governance, transparency, accountability, and decentralization through digitization, setting a strong foundation for our engagement with constituents about our work in the Senate.
    For previous updates and more information about our work, please visit our website at:
    Thank you for your support!

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